【Kaiyi music】鈴木鋼琴之教本4&CD Suzuki Piano School Piano Book&CDs Volume 4
Suzuki Piano SchoolVolumes4 NEW International Edition 教本4附CD
About Suzuki method Study Points
1. Nurturing superior musical sensitivity
Provide your child with the opportunity to listen as much as possible every day to the companion CD of the pieces he will learn. When students are familiar with pieces before they study them, they are, in developing internal abilities. This is the essence, best method for fostering motivation. Once motivation is in place, your child will practice with enjoyment and develop nicely. The violin is a medium for cultivating human character, ability, and heart.
2. Tonalization
Vocalists practice a pedagogical exercise called Vocalization in order to nurture beautiful, refined voices. Their lessons start with vocalization exercises to develop quality and power in their singing voices. With instrumentalists, as well, it is vital for teachers to lead their students in Tonalization exercises at each lesson. At home, too, students ought to practice for tone so that they develop ever finer ability.
3. Developing a balanced posture
Always strive for accurate intonation, a balanced posture, and a natural bow hold.
4. Creating motivation
Parents and teachers alike must foster the child's motivation so that he will practice with enjoyment and good will.
儘量每天為您的孩子尋找傾聽的機會,聆聽他將要學習的作品CD。當學生他們在學習之前熟悉這些東西,他們正在發展內在能力。這個是培養動力的本質最好的方法。一旦動機到位,你的孩子會實踐與享受,發展優越。小提琴是培養人性的媒介, 能力和心靈。
歌唱者練習一種叫做美聲唱法,是為了培養美麗,優雅的聲音。他們的課程從發聲練習開始 發展他們的歌聲質量和力量。對於樂器演奏者來說,這也是至關重要的。教師帶領他們的學生在每節課中進行美音訓練,在家裡也要持續練習。才能使他們發展出更好的能力。
鈴木鋼琴學校新國際版,新的浪漫和20世紀的作品,以及由國際知名錄音藝術家Seizo Azuma執行的新錄製的CD。現在這本書和CD可以一起購買或單獨購買。內容稍有改變,音樂重新排序最少。其他改進包括更清晰的外觀,更少的編輯和寬敞的新雕刻,以及更詳細的標題,包括鍵,來源,作曲家日期和目錄編號。